Paid New York Business Listings – Digital Advertising

šŸš€ Elevate Your Business Presence in the Heart of New York! šŸŒ† Introducing New York Business Listings ā€“ Your Gateway to Premium Digital Advertising in the Big Apple! šŸŒĀ Unlock the Power of Digital Advertising for Your Business! Are you ready to stand out in the bustling...

Help Close the Data Equity GAP

The Ask: We’re seeking $20,000 to bridge the “Data Equity Gap” for minority-owned businesses, startups, and nonprofits in New York City. Your support will: ā— Empower businesses with accurate data to make informed decisions. ā— Foster economic...

Empowering Entrepreneurs: NCDE’s Creative PitchFest 2021

Introduction: Pioneering Inclusive EntrepreneurshipAbout the 2021 NCDE PitchFestThe Judges: Industry Leaders Guiding Future InnovatorsWhy Entrepreneurial Support Matters for the Disability CommunityWinners of the 2021 NCDE PitchFestMentorship Awards and Audience...

Fund NYC Disabled Social Enterprise

I placed second inĀ The Viscardi Center’sĀ 2nd annual national panel judged business pitchfest competition on November 19, 2021, presentingĀ live business pitch. As prizes, I won $8,000 equity-free cash grant and additional $20,000 valued website/branding...