I placed second in The Viscardi Center’s 2nd annual national panel judged business pitchfest competition on November 19, 2021, presenting live business pitch. As prizes, I won $8,000 equity-free cash grant and additional $20,000 valued website/branding consulting package from UNI Communications LLC. I was able to contract a business attorney, and officially launch in the State of New York, Davila Applied Anthropological Research (DAAR), LLC., on January 7th, 2022. I also used cash grant toward editing/creating of proposed business and marketing plan documents. I am a solopreneur. I attend free community business mentoring programming through the organizations I volunteer for, and through local Small Business Development Center and SBA SCORE services. Help Fund NYC Disabled Social Enterprise.

My name is Miguel Angel Davila; I am independent disabled applied anthropologist performing investigative research on solving contemporary urban human social problems and issues. Based in New York City. B2B Consultant. Market Analysis & Research. Program Evaluation. Business Assessment. Applied Anthropology. I possess Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from The City College of New York – CUNY Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership (2021). Although I have launched the business, I am presently unable to take on new clients without first obtaining professional liability insurance I need in order to operate professionally as an independent business owner/consultant. I launched start-up thanks to the opportunity-granting money afforded to me through participation in sponsored organized disabled business owner event.

Before winning the competition, I was homeless, living in an Emergency Homeless Shelter (SRO), while earning my anthropology degree. Now, I have an apartment and my own B2B consulting firm. Let me say that I am familiar with urban issues plighting humanity. Let’s investigate and explore overlooked human issues utilizing applied anthropological methodology. I want to publish a lot of content, which is costly. However, I am executing this business launch strategically by keeping my operations as lean as possible. I have limited personal funds to operate as envisioned ideally. No revenue is coming in at the moment. I do have an official NYC local business banking account. I am asking for your help to maintain and support true fledgling minority disabled-owned start-up business Davila Applied Anthropological Research (DAAR), LLC. A New York Limited Liability Company.

The following areas of DAAR’s operation and continued development are what direct funds donated to this business fundraising campaign will be used for securing/obtaining. I will be active with the community and keep you updated on individual milestones/developments/services acquired through Davila Applied Anthropological Research (DAAR), LLC. GoFundMe Campaign. Thanks. I presently volunteer my time and services to two organizations since graduating. I have an independent project close to completion also that I will be publishing soon. My personal blog link. My business website is currently being developed by UNI Communications and should be live in 3 months. I will share the website name and URL once I have the domain registered and the designed website pages uploaded to the server host. One step at a time, but I want to have a media gallery, website directory, and online forum for my social small business enterprise.

I am the sole owner of this single-member LLC. I am the only person authorized to manage all aspects of business through an operating agreement. Thank you. I have done my market analysis and developed a marketing plan. Value Proposition, Mission, Vision in development, and website and branding collateral through UNI Communications prize awarded from the competition. I do not want to give up equity in this business, so I am trying crowdfunding to see where it can take me and keep 100% of my independent company ownership. Personal social funding causes can profoundly impact independent businesses and the communities they serve through this platform. I have seen the successes of other business campaigns here and decided to introduce myself wholeheartedly and my business to you all, who could help me remain independent as a disabled entrepreneur living in NYC.

This is wonderful because being a business owner allows me to work how I choose and wish. Independently not having to request accommodations at work or explain why I need time/hours off to address direct symptomology needs related to multiple chronic disabling conditions. I also avoid having to face potential bias in the workplace or any bigotry. And I can explore potential areas of research I wish as I remain independently employed. I started volunteering because I had a massive gap in my resume. Now, I have management, leadership, communications, research experience and founder placed there in the recent present tense! I am blessed and acknowledge that I need financial help for a cause that transcends and as well that goes beyond the scope socially of aiding in my own needs. I want to help promote human advancement through data acquisition, training, reporting and assessment. Custom research design on-demand for primary data attainment. Or, secondary data research only through review of available company resources or scholarly articles already published. Let’s see how this goes, everyone. I asked for $20,000 in live video pitch shared. I will start the campaign at that similar amount. Thank you.